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If you're reading this, that means you're on the right track to success! In this blog post I'll reveal my secret to success as a poet. All the ingredients of a successful poem are included. If you want to learn how to write poetry there's no better place for you – read on and find out more about me and my craft!What is a poem? Definitely one of humanity's most captivating creations imaginable. A string of words, or sylables coming together in perfect harmony. They have been around since the dawn of time – poetry has been there from day one. It seems to me that the capacity for writing poems is one of our most hallowed characteristics. A process of expression so deep and so profound, so raw and so real, that only the most artistic people can ever hope to be able to touch at least one other person with it. Poetry is the ideal form of expression for me personally. It's just something about it that can illicit such powerful feelings in people's hearts and minds.Just think about it – when you read a poem, you can really feel its meaning, or lack thereof at times.  It's this feeling that's so powerful and so important and is what makes poetry such an important and enigmatic art form. It has a way of taking you to a different place, in your head and in your soul. To be able to do that is the ultimate goal of any kind of writing, in my opinion. You can take someone on a journey, shepard their attention through various means, create the most pure art by bringing out raw emotion from within. That is priceless… I'm going to tell you about me now. I don't want to bore you with useless details or self-aggrandizement but I hope I can convey how much passion I have for my poetry and for this blog post. I've been writing for as long as I can remember. The first poem I ever wrote was titled 'Winter' and it was about a beautiful snow-laden day in my life. Maybe you can find it somewhere on the web, I haven't seen it in a while but I must have been around 12 or 13 at the time. Anyway, since then I've written many many other poems that were all very different from one another. In general, my poetry takes a modern approach to the art form. All of it is original, nothing taken from other poems or authors – this is something that has always been important to me so please respect my decision to do so. I think people should be allowed to write whatever they want, to be themselves, not try to copy other poets. It's just too boring to read something resembling something someone else has written. That's not art! If you base your art on another artist or writer then it will never be your own personal work, you'll always feel that other person is showing off and it won't seem valid or validating. As I've said before, art is an expression of truth – so I'm trying very hard to express what I know myself to be true. So why am I sharing this with you? Well first off, I want people to know that the world needs poetry again.


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